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Here is the difficulty scale:

1/10 This song is very easy and very simple. It is likely to have a slow pace and generally it will not have a very high fun rating. There are not many songs like this but the ones that fall into this rating are recommended for beginners.

2/10 A song that scores 2/10 on the difficulty rating is only a fraction harder than a song with 1/10. This song may contain the odd hammer on or hammer off but it is still very easy to play and still recommended for beginners.

3/10 This song will probably have a higher fun rating. Songs which are rated 3 or above will be distinctly harder than those with a lower rating. This song is still recommended for beginners, but it may take a while to learn.

4/10 Ah, now we're getting somewhere. This song may well have a bass riff in it. Many 4/10 songs have moderately high fun ratings due to this. Recommended for beginners/intermediate players.

5/10 Half way up the scale we get the definitely intermediate song. This may contain a gallop or some complicated rhythm at times, but should be easy enough to handle for most players.

6/10 Getting the balance between difficulty and fun is difficult, but songs scoring 6/10 for difficulty often achieve this. There may be some sort of gallop and a time change is probable, unless the song is very fast. Definitely for the competent bassist only.

7/10 This is a standard score. Steve Harris is a very good bassist so do not be dismayed at this statement. This song probably has either a gallop, a very fast tempo, a complex structure or time changes... or any combination of those. Recommended for good bassists only.

8/10 Looking for a challenge? Try a song rated 8 or over. Go on! Give it a try. A song like this will have a quick pace and possibly one or two parts that bassists will listen to and say "eh? what the hell was that?". Advanced users only... I say.

9/10 It is likely that the fingers on your right hand will be a blur.... "it's all an illusion" as 'Arry says. I cannot be held responsible for any injuries that result from attempting a song like this.

10/10 Well... if you're going for a song like this then well done to you! I doubt many songs will recieve this rating but ones that do are likely to result in either physical or mental stress. I dare you, though, challenge 'Arry's skills.